Are You Struggling With Your 3-to-6 Year Old's Behaviour?

Learn How to Transform Your Child's Behaviour Without Losing Your Mind. Download the FREE 6-Step Guide to Challenging Behavior in Ages 3 to 6 - using Effective Positive Parenting Strategies rooted in Empathy and Connection.


Is your child 3 to 6 years old?

Do You Wish Parenting didn't feel like a struggle?

  • Your child cooperating when you ask them to, without you needing to threaten, scream, punish, bribe, or offer rewards or screen time.
  • Your child expressing their needs calmly, without emotional meltdowns or explosive reactions that make you feel like everyone around you is staring and judging you
  • Your child behaving when left playing alone so you can cook and do what you need to do without worrying they will burn down the house
  • Your child being able to do things independently without needing your constant presence and attention
  • Your child waiting patiently while you talk with others, instead of constantly interrupting or running off.
  • Your child doing what they need to do without needing constant reminders
  • Your child trying new things without immediately saying they can't and need help
  • Your child having the courage and confidence to explore new environments and be in other people's care so you can have a break
  • Your day being filled with little hugs and kisses and all those sweet moments that you love instead of a battlefield of power struggles and emotional drain.

🗣 "I recommend these sessions to other parents because they are so insightful and we look at practical real issues with alternative practical easy solutions. Cristina is awesome, energetic, and real." - Amanda

Do you feel like You Tried Everything but

Nothing seems to Work?

  • You’ve tried staying calm, but your child's strong will and the constant battlefield of power struggles really drives you crazy and you end up losing your temper and reacting in ways you regret.
  • You’ve tried being patient, but you feel so overwhelmed with your child's negative attention seaking that you go from 'Oh, you're so cute' to screaming 'What on Earth are you doing?' within minutes.
  • You’ve tried guiding your child through their meltdowns, but you are so tired of all the neediness and the lack of personal space makes you feel helpless and not knowing what to do anymore
  • You’ve tried getting your child to cooperate, but sometimes it just feels impossible, so you end up giving in, offering rewards, or handing them a tablet just to find some peace.
  • You’ve tried being kind, but you get so frustrated that you end up seeing no alternative but threatning, forcing or punishing your child and afterwards you feel awful for parenting the person you love the most through fear and distance.
  • You’ve tried holding it together, but sometimes it feels like parenting is just too much, leaving you questioning if you were even made to be a parent.

🗣 "I could really see and feel the difference from both sides. I recommend these sessions to other parents because they’re so helpful! Cristina is a wealth of knowledge and it helps so much! - Katie

The Problem Isn’t You or Your Child, it's that

You Need to Understand What's Causing the Behaviour in Order to Effectively Correct it

The reason your child’s behavior isn’t improving isn’t because you’re not a good parent or because there’s something wrong with your child. It’s because you’re focusing on the behavior itself instead of addressing what’s causing it.

Your child isn’t acting out because they want to push your buttons —they would prefer you didn't have buttons.

They’re trying to communicate their feelings, needs and wants in the only way they know how. and they need your help to teach them the tools and skills to express themselves in a helpful way.

You're trying your best, but there is a disconnect between how you are trying to pass your message accross and how your child is perceiving it. To effectively be able to change your child's behaviour, you need to find what exactely makes them feel heard and supported while guiding them toward better behavior.

Focusing on surface-level fixes—like punishments, rewards, or ignoring the behavior—is like trying to fix a car’s oil leak with a bandage. It might stop the issue temporarily, but it doesn’t address the real problem so the behavior keeps coming back. To effectively change your child's behaviour, you need to understand what’s driving their actions and show them how to manage their emotions and express their needs and feelings in a positive way, encouraging good behaviour instead of punishing bad behaviour.

Sometimes, when you’re so close to the situation, it’s hard to see what needs to change—those small tweaks that can make a huge difference in how your child responds.

Having someone to help you pinpoint exactly what’s causing the behavior and guide you on how to address it can make a world of difference.

You don’t have to figure this out alone.

Sometimes, we just need someone to take a closer look at what's really happening and point us in the right direction—without rigid ideas of how parenting should look—so we can create a more peaceful home that feels good for everyone.

As moms, we have this idea that we should just know how to raise happy, healthy children—and that if we don’t, there’s something wrong with us. As if, the moment we became parents, we were struck by a magic lightning bolt that instantly taught us everything about childhood development, behavior, and parenting.

But let me ask you this: If you want to drive a car, don’t you first learn how? You can’t just take the wheel and hope for the best, or read a book and hit the road, or even just listen to someone teach you the theory of driving. You need someone to actually sit next to you in a car as you take the wheel, guiding you as you drive in real-life traffic.

Somehow, as moms, we put this pressure on ourselves to figure it all out on our own—without support and without losing our minds in the process. But children are much more complex than cars, and you already know firsthand how much more demanding parenting is than driving,

So think of me as your parenting driving instructor— here to sit beside you as you navigate the challenges of parenting, guiding you step by step to help you transform your child’s behavior and create a calmer, happier home in a way that works for YOU and your family.

🗣 "My favourite part was being the child and feeling the command that we do with our children. It is very useful for parents to understand the issue to better prepare themselves for tough situations" - Khalid

It Doesn't Need to Be a Constant Struggle

Start Enjoying Parenting Your Little One

Parenting can feel really hard sometimes, like you’re on an emotional rollercoaster going from, “I’m awsome, I've got this” to “Maybe I’m not made to be a mom. Maybe I’m ruining my child. Maybe the reason my child is behaving like this is because I'm failing as a parent”.

It's easy to get drowned in self-doubt, feeling like you’re failing because you can’t juggle everything or meet the impossible expectations you set out for yourself.

But you need to remember that you didn’t suddenly become superhuman just because you became a mom. You have so much on your plate—take a moment to appreciate all the amazing things you already DO for your little one and the love and care you pour into your family every single day.

YOU ARE NOT FAILING—you’re just human. And your child doesn’t need you to be a perfect zen parent—they just need your love, your support, and your understanding as they navigate life’s challenges. And that’s what you want to give them too—it’s why you care so deeply about being the best mom you can be to them.

Trying to be a super mom, doing all the things all at once, is setting yourself up for overwhelm and constantly feeling like you’re falling short.

Being the best parent you can be for your little one isn't about doing it all (a perfect house, a perfect meal, a perfect cake for the kindergarten sale, a perfect life). Your child doesn't care about all that, what they truly want is your unconditional love and support.

Stop trying to do everything you think you’re supposed to do and instead lighten your load, focusing on doing your best just 51% of the time and you will actually become a better mom for your child.

Because, while it might not always feel like it, you’re more than just a mom—you’re a person with your own wants, needs, and feelings. And just as your child’s unmet needs can lead to challenging behaviors, your unmet needs can lead to frustration, emotional drain and being much more likely to loose your patience.

That’s why your reaction to your child spilling milk on the floor will be completely different on a calm, relaxed Sunday morning than on a rushed Monday when you’re already feeling stressed because you're late.

If you want to be able to effectively change your child’s behavior, you can’t just focus on their needs—you also need to make sure you’re taking care of your own needs on a daily basis.

It’s easy to put yourself at the bottom of the priority list, but self-care isn’t a luxury—it’s essential for showing up to your child as the best version of yourself, with more patience, self-control and energy. That energy has a profound impact on how you connect with your little one and respond to their behavior.

That’s why in our coaching sessions, we start by taking care of your mental well being. Together, we’ll create an action plan that not only includes effective strategies to transform your child’s behavior but also simple self-care practices that take less than 5 minutes and can easily fit into your busy family life. I’ll then help you implement your action plan step by step in your day-to-day life, ensuring that, not only you're seeing consistent changes in your child's behaviour, but also making self-care a natural part of your daily routine, so you can get that daily energy boost that allows you to have more patience, be able to self-regulate and enjoy parenting more!

Because, as a mom myself, I know that the days seem never-ending sometimes, but the years are so short... These preschool years will go by so fast... Soon you won't be your child's favourite person and they won't want to come to your lap for cuddles anymore.

Let me help you stop feeling like you’re constantly in survival mode and start enjoying the precious time you have with your little one!

🗣 "Cristina is realistic, kind, empathetic, and understanding. I recommend these sessions to other parents because they are friendly and interactive and all very practical advice focusing on the parent's needs as well as the child's needs" - Karen

Solutions Tailored to What Works for YOU and YOUR CHILD

Often, what we really need isn’t just more tips—it’s guidance to pinpoint what exactely needs to change and what will work in your specific situation, using approaches that feel right for you and your child— not forcing generalized solutions that don’t work for your specific child and family circumstances.

That's why all the parenting advice you’ve found in books, on social media, and through endless online searches isn’t working - because it’s not tailored to your unique child, your specific family needs and your unique challenges.

To be able to change your child's behaviour and create effective and lasting changes in your home, you need to focus on what feels right for YOU, your child and your family and let go of all the “shoulds”, “musts” and intangible ideals of what “perfect” parenting should look like.

Together we will create an action plan to address your specific parenting challenges, tailored to your unique child and to your busy family life, with effective strategies that work for YOU, feel good, and yes—even make parenting fun!.

Let’s make parenting less about ‘shoulds’ and more about what works for YOU and your family!

🗣 "I recommend Coaching with Cristina. One on one was great" - Leze

Effective Strategies to

Transform Your Child’s Behavior

  • You’ll learn how to communicate with your child in a way that makes them want to cooperate naturally, without bribes, punishments, or power struggles.
  • I’ll show you the exact steps to teach your child the skills they need to manage their emotions and navigate their life challenges effectively.
  • We’ll focus on what works. No more guessing or trying everything without results—you’ll have simple, effective strategies that feel good for you and your child.

🗣 "I learned that our parenting styles matter. We are not just dealing the day to day circumstances with our kids but we are shaping them to be the person they can be when they grow. These sessions give me ideas on how to approach my kids in a positive way and with the goal of achieving the life skills that I wanted to impart to my kids when they grow" - Genelynn

support every step of the way!

Hi, I'm Cristina!

I truly believe that, with a little help, every parent can effectively transform their child's behaviour through support and connection and create more calm and cooperation in their homes in a way that feels good.

Often we need someone to not just point us in the right direction but actually help us implement things in our day-to-day lives. Otherwise it becomes just one more to-do list on your fridge that soon gets covered by all your other to-do lists as life starts happening.

That's why I’ll support you every step of the way, making sure you see consistent change as you tackle your day-to-day parenting challenges. You’ll have your own parenting coach in your back pocket, offering 1-on-1 support and giving you the confidence of knowing you’re not doing it alone. You’ll always have someone to ask questions and get the direction you need.

Let’s transform your child’s behavior together so you can enjoy parenting more and really cherish these precious years with your little one.

Founder of Changing Parenting
Mom to a Preschooler
Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator and Early Childhood Educator

🗣 "My biggest lesson was "Dont give up on a bad day. Every single interaction with the child is an opportunity to PRACTICE." I recommend these sessions to other parents because reading a book isnt enough, you can only change by practicing. It is SO helpful to have Cristina on your side encouraging and guiding you". - Céline


To effectively transform your child's most challenging behaviour while helping them grow healthy and keeping your sanity!

initial coaching call

Addressing your Needs 🧘‍♀️

In our initial 60 minute Coaching Call, we will start by addressing YOUR needs because you need to put on your oxygen mask first before you can help your child. We’ll let go of perfectionism and equip you with real tools for self-care, self-compassion and emotional regulation that fit into your busy schedule.

Understand your child's behaviour 👟

I will help you understand the needs behind your child's behaviour. And you will also role-play stepping into your child's shoes so you can better understand what your child is thinking and why they're acting the way they are.

Personalized Action Plan 📑

Together we will create your personalized Action Plan, with effective solutions tailored to your needs, your child's specific behaviour and your family's unique circumstances so it works for your family and not the other way around.

Practice with immediate Feedback 🎯

We will end our Coaching Session with a role-play, where you’ll practice a strategy from your Action Plan and get immediate feedback to steer you in the right direction and make sure you feel confident to implement the plan with your child in real-life situations,

step-by-step implementation

Only 2 Actions a day 🤏

Every day you will get a push notification from our dedicated coaching app with your 2 actions for that day: 1 action to meet your needs as a person and 1 action to meet your child's needs. Having only 2 small steps every day ensures that you will be able to easily implement your personalized plan effectively and thoroughly. All steps are easy to integrate into your busy family routine.

Get Feedback on every Step ✍

At the end of each day you will answer a quick 1-minute check-in about what worked and what could have gone better. I will then give you personalized feedback on every single check-in, supporting you every step of the way, steering you in the right direction, helping you overcome obstacles and ensuring you’re turning what you know into what you do, in a way that fits your daily family life.

1-on-1 Chat Support 🤝

As you put your personalized Action Plan into practice in your home with your child, you can send me all your questions per text, voice or video message directly in the app. You will get push notifications when I send you a message (including the feedbacks for your daily check-ins). It's like having your private coach in your back pocket.

final coaching call

Review Progress 📈

Your coaching program will end with our final coaching call where we will look back on all the progress you've made since our initial call and how your family life has changed. We will discuss which strategies you enjoyed the most, how your child reacted to the different strategies, what worked the best for your family and which strategies were the most helpful overall.

Refine your Action Plan for the Long-Term ✨

Based on your preferences, what worked best for you and your child as well as insights from your daily check-ins, we will refine your action plan together to ensure it is sustainable for you and your family, practical, and seamlessly integrates into your daily family life. We will problem-solve any barriers that might still be present, adjust any strategies that might need tweaking and simplify what's necessary for long-term sustainability.

Confidence to Continue Independently 💪

We will end with any remaining questions you might have, making sure you feel confident to continue applying your action plan independently, integrating the learned strategies into your daily family routine, maintaining consistency and continue creating a more peaceful and connected home.

How I've Helped other Moms Like You

100% found me HELPFUL

Cristina is realistic, kind, empathetic and understanding.
The biggest lesson for me was "Connection before Correction". 
I recommend these sessions to other parents because they are friendly and interactive and all very practical advice focusing on the parents need as well as the child needs.
My favourite part was seeing it through the eyes of my child. I could really see and feel the difference from both sides ❤️
The biggest AHA moment for me was that our child doesn’t want us to have a button - that really stuck with me - and see it from their perspective.
I recommend these sessions to other parents because they’re so helpful!

Cristina is a wealth of knowledge and it helps so much!
I learned that I CAN still apologize, and keep trying, and again keep trying. My biggest lesson was "Dont give up on a bad day. Every single interaction with the child is an opportunity to PRACTICE." I recommend these sessions to other parents because reading a book isnt enough, you can only change by practicing. It is SO hard to change, therefore it is SO helpful to have Cristina on your side encouraging and guiding you.
My favourite part was the role play and understanding the other side/the child. The biggest takeaway for me was having more empathy and compassion in the moment and listen to the real messages from kids.
I recommend these sessions to other parents because they are so insightful and we look at practical real issues with alternative practical easy solutions.
Cristina is awsome, energetic and real.
Amanda Wakefield
I learned that our parenting styles matter with the child we are shaping. It means, if we are doing this parenting style, then we are shaping/molding a child to be this kind of person. So as a parent, it is wiser to choice the best parenting style because we are not just dealing the day to day circumstances with our kids but we are shaping them to be the person they can be when they grow. These sessions give me more ideas on how to approach my kids in a positive way and with the goal of achieving the life skills that I wanted to impart to my kids when they grow.
Genelynn Factor
My favourite part was the practical application of going through a real life situation.
My AHA moment was looking at the situation from a new perspective (the child thinking its an fun thing to do) and looking for alternative ideas to difuse the situation.
These sessions are helpful to get a reminder of what little people may be thinking. This gives a better perspective to deal with the situation as a parent.
A mom
I find it very important that it's focused on young children, because it's often very difficult to reach out to them since they're at an age where they want to do everything their own way.
I really appreciated that
Cristina always had answers to our doubts and situations.
A mom
My favourite part was being the child and feeling the command that we do with our children.
It is very useful for parents to understand the issue to better prepare themselves for tough situations
I recommend Coaching with Cristina.
One on one was great to a better idea and understanding of things.
My favourite part was the reminder of "me time"  and that there is no such thing as perfect.
A mom
I see things differently. I love these changes because they help me build a strong bond with my kids.
I learned ways to deal with the situation and solutions.
The biggest takeway for me was "Don't force child". 

Frequently Asked Questions

You will be charged in full for the complete coaching package immediately after booking your initial session.
Your payment is processed through Stripe, a trusted payment provider, ensuring your payment is safe and protected.

In order to be able to really dive deep, create a personalized action plan for you and your family and prepare you, so you feel confident in implementing it with your child, we will only be able to address 1 child and 1 specific behavior.

In this 60 minute laser-focused session, you will receive personalized support tailored to you, your family’s unique situation and your child’s developmental stage.

We will dive deep into the root of your child's behaviour, and together create a customized action plan that takes into consideration, not only your child's needs, but also yours, as well as your family’s specific circumstances.

You’ll have the chance to ask all your questions and to practice applying the new strategies by role playing so you can receive immediate feedback, ensuring that you leave our session with the confidence and tools you need to implement them effectively in your family's everyday life.

This laser-focused session dedicated to you and your child, is your key to achieving meaningful results quickly, empowering you to address your child's behaviour effectively while strenghtening the relationship with your little one and giving your child important social-emotional life skills.

The Calendar shows real-time availability. If none of the available timeslots work for you, reach out to me per Email or Messenger and I will do my best to find a solution for you 😊

You will get an email with the link to download the app (android or apple) and your login details after the initial coaching session (after I've added your personalized action plan to the app). Typically within 24h.

Your access to the App will end on the day of the final coaching session. If the final coaching session is rescheduled, your access will end on the date initially booked.

The implementation phase will depend on how many actions your personalized action plan has, which in turn, will depend on how complex your child's behaviour is. Typically it will last between 1 to 2 weeks.

Sure, Here is an example of what would happen on a given day. Please note that the specific daily actions will depend on your individual needs and those of your particular child, This is an example for a mom who is feeling very touched-out by her very needy 4 year old daughter.

In the morning, whenever you would look at your phone, you would see a push notification from the coaching app. You would open the app and see your 2 tasks for the day:

  • A task for your needs: At least once today, take a 3 minute break (hide in the toilet and lock the door if you have to) and practice this breathing exercise 3 times: breathe in slowly and mentally count until you finish. Then breath out counting double that number.
  • A task for your child's needs: today everytime you want to tell your child to do something, rephrase your command in the form of a question. Example: instead of saying "put on your shoes", ask "what do you need to put on your feet to go outside?"

Throughout the day you would implement your daily actions as often as you could.

Sometime along the day, you would see a push notification from the app with a voice message from me. I'm so happy for you for how you got your daughter to cooperate yesterday and I'm giving you a tip: next time your daughter says she can't do something, show her that you really believe she can and offer to do it with her, not for her. You reply to me asking me for an example,

At the end of the day you would open the app, mark both actions as done and fill-out a short check-in report (the whole thing takes you maximum 3 minutes). This is what you will fill out:

  • Rate from 1 to 10 how the day was
  • What worked well
  • What could have gone better

The Step-by-Step support ensures that you don’t just walk away with new strategies from your coaching session — you get the guidance you need to implement them effectively in your everyday life.

The small daily steps easily integrate into your busy family life and allow you to create consistent changes in your home without the overwhelm.

And the personalized step-by-step feedback will allow you to adjust the strategies to your real day-to-day family life, steer you in the right direction and help you stay on track.

.You will also be able to reach out to me anytime, as often as needed, using the app's chat to ask questions and adjust the strategies to your specific situation.

On my workdays, I will usually reply immediately when I see a message or check-in report notification (maximum within 24h, although usually much faster).

Outside my workdays (weekends, holidays), I will reply as soon as I'm back to work. In any case, you will continue having access to your daily actions, filling out your check-in reports and you can ask me as many questions as you want also on those days. I will reply to every single question and give you feedback on every single check-in report maximum until your final coaching session.

The strategies on your action plan are very simple to implement and fit easily into your busy family life. They are actually meant to make your life easier so they will not add stress to your life, they will reduce it.

It's also really important to remember that you need to take action in order to see change. It's not enough to just know what to do, you need to actually put it into practice. And having a consistent daily practice will really help you see faster and deeper changes as well as create the habits needed to continue applying positive discipline independently after your coaching package ends.

Having said that, life is life. And maybe you are lucky to have a day off from parenting because your in-laws volunteered to take care of your child. Or maybe you got stuck doing overtime at work and hardly saw your child that day.
Whatever it is, life happens sometimes and you might not be able to do one or more of your daily actions. I get it, I'm a mom, so I know life doesn't always happen according to plan. So don't worry if you miss an action, you will still be able to go back in the calendar, see the actions that weren't done and do them.
I just wouldn't advise letting them acumulate, otherwise you won't be able to properly implement all your actions.

You can do all your actions, get feedback and ask me questions in the chat as long as you have access to the app, i.e., until the day of the final coaching session (if the final coaching session is rescheduled, your access will end on the date initially booked).

In exceptional circumstances, such as severe illness or a family emergency, reach out to me if you need a prolongation.

Shortly after you get access to your action plan in the coaching app, you will get an email or chat message with a link to book your final session. The final session takes place after the implementation period, so it can only be booked after the implementation days are planned.

Once you book your session, you’ll receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link to your coaching session. Check your spam folder if you don’t see your confirmation email right away and feel free to reach out per Email or on Messenger if you need any help.

You can add the appointment to your calendar by clicking on the attachment of the email and choosing "add to Calendar".

You will also receive email reminders and (if you added your phone number) SMS reminders before the session.

Yes! If you need to reschedule, you can use the reschedule link in your confirmation email to change your session.
Rescheduling is only possible before the scheduled session start time.

If you don't attend your scheduled session within 10 minutes of the scheduled start time, the session will be forfeited with no possibility of rescheduling or refund.

Yes, if you request the cancelation per E-mail at within 14 days of booking and before the scheduled initial coaching session time, you will get a full refund.

If you don't attend your scheduled session within 10 minutes of the scheduled start time or if you simply cancel the session on the Callendar without expressly requesting a refund as mentioned above, no refund or rescheduling will be possible.

If you have any questions or if you're not sure if this is what you need for your specific circumstances, message me on Messenger.
Or alternatively write your questions below and I will answer you directly to your email address.


Select a time below to book your initial coaching session. The price below is paid at the time of booking your initial session and is the total for the full coaching package which also includes the implementation support (that starts after the initial session) and the final coaching session (that will be booked after your initial session)