Changing Parenting Club
Online Membership for Parents of 3 to 6 year olds
Does this sound like you?
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And instead you want:
Changing Parenting club
get the support you need
1 x month
Gentle Parenting Class
Through experiential exercises in the monthly online live class, you will have the opportunity to step into your child’s shoes, understand how they think and why they act the way they do, learn about their developmental stage and how to talk so little kids listen,
You will also learn effective positive discipline tools adapted for small children, that are both kind and firm, and will allow you to build a strong parent-child bond while setting boundaries, so you can be the parent that you aspire to be and support your child’s social emotional growth.
1 x month
Group Parenting Coaching
Professional parenting coaching in a monthly online live group session, where we focus on concrete solutions for the biggest parenting challenge that the group is experiencing in their homes, using effective positive discipline tools that you can apply right away in your home.
Individualized Support
Individualized professional parenting support as often as you need throughout the month in the supporting community of the members-only facebook group.
Address the specific challenges that you are facing with your child with the help of a certified parent educator, so you can fine tune your parenting to your specific circumstances, needs and to your particular child.
And for quick help at any time, you will also have access to the self-help parenting tool, in the membership area of the website, that will help you target the source of the challenging behaviour and point you to the solution with just a few clicks.
For only 50€/month
Cancel at any time directly on your dashboard
** No V.A.T. applies according to § 19 UStG **
HI, I’m cristina!
I’m an imperfect parent just like you….
As a mom of a preschooler myself, I know how hard parenting is. I know how hard it is not to loose my temper, how it is to feel like I am a bad mother, how overwhelming it is to deal with other people’s judgement and opinions. I know because I am also a parent, because I am also an imperfect human, we all are.
I feel you, I’m also not perfect, I know how it is to feel judged as a parent of a small child. So I will never judge you or tell you how to raise your own child. I will support you through your good and through your less proud parenting moments. I will show you that being imperfect is not only human, but actually an important skill to model to your child.
Join the Changing Parenting Club and
Become the parent you want to be!
How I’ve helped other parents
100% found it HELPFUL
You don’t have to do it alone!
Get all the support you need throughout the month
Frequently Asked Questions
Understanding the needs behind the behaviour is
The Key to getting your child to cooperate!
Parenting small children is very rewarding AND it’s also very challenging.
Preschoolers are so sweet and loving that we just want to be the best version of ourselves to them. AND they are prone to tantrums that drive us crazy and make us wanna react like kids ourselves.
Understanding the iceberg below your child’s behaviour is the key to properly respond to the parenting challenges that you are facing.
It is imperative to learn about childhood development and what your child’s limits and developmental abilities are so that you can understand your child’s behaviour, what they are really capable of as well as what is unrealistic to expect of a small child.
Based on adlerian psychology and neuroscience, positive discipline helps you understand the needs behind your child’s behaviour and how to address them using effective tools that encourage positive behaviour and set healthy boundaries and rules in a kind, respectful way that support your child’s emotional growth and invite cooperation.
As you parent more through love and guidance instead of bribes and punishments, you will notice that your child cooperates more, has less tantrums, acts out of intrinsic motivation instead of external validation or fear, and that both you and your child are more calm and attuned to each other. You will feel more connected to your child and more confident in guiding your child through their emotional turmoils and challenging behaviour using support and guidance while keeping your sanity.
Joining the Changing Parenting Club will help you be both the kind AND firm parent you want to be, enjoy the precious time you have with your little kid and foster a loving and deep connection that will not only support your child’s healthy development but will also create a more relaxing and peaceful state of mind for yourself.